Security Properties
Zero-knowledge proofs are strong cryptographic building blocks for the future of the internet. Since no party can generate a false proof, the primary security consideration must be resistance to censorship.
In the initial stages of the protocol the user has the following choices:
Trust our Sequencer to request and deliver the proof
Lowest latency option due to our access to a custom prover used only for Malda operations, and our optimized setup to access blockchain data through the Malda infra
Request a Bonsai API key from Risc0 to have the ability to request and deliver the proof themselves
Find a third party prover market that has the ability to generate the required proof
Generate the proof themselves
Once Boundless reaches public mainnet the user will have the ability to directly request proof through the decentralized prover network. The prover network is decentralized to provide low pricing and high liveness, the proof is generated by one prover.
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